Jaimie's Approach

'Essence' - mandala (c) Jaimie Cahlil
'Tree of Stars' (c) Jaimie Cahlil
'Light and Shadow' - mandala (c) Jaimie Cahlil
Jaimie Cahlil

Jaimie Cahlil

UKCP Reg. Psychotherapist; Dip.Couns. (Integrative); Dip.Psych. (Transpersonal)

Jaimie Cahlil - BACP Accred. Counsellor (Integrative) + UKCP Reg. Psychotherapist (Transpersonal) Dip.Couns., Dip.Psych., Cert. Psychosexual Health

About Jaimie Cahlil

Jaimie has a professional background in fine art, special needs education, elderly day centre care, and adult acute psychiatric care – as well as guidance in ancient (Tibetan Buddhist) mindfulness and meditation. In terms of therapy, Jaimie trained initially in integrative counselling (Oxford) and then in transpersonal psychotherapy (CCPE, London), establishing his practice in Oxford in early 2002, before moving himself and his practice to Cheltenham in late 2018.

Jaimie works with adult individuals (18+), welcoming those seeking a sustained and deep explorative process. This is psychotherapy. A person may be prompted to enter this process due to a general sense of unease, emptiness, lostness, and/or the urge to find real meaning or purpose in life; and/or the wish to work through long-held fears so as to move towards ‘home’ – a place of deep ease within; and/or to ‘awaken’ in a subtle energetic ‘spiritual’ sense. (Also, see Specialisms). Jaimie guides those in therapy through ‘whole-being-awareness’… to develop and deepen a healthy relationship with self.

Jaimie gently guides each person into (what he calls) ‘deep being’: a grounded profoundly transformative process during which ‘awakening’ and ‘coming home’ tend to naturally occur.

PLEASE NOTE: Jaimie Cahlil prioritises the deeper process of psychotherapy and beyond (rather than single-issue short-term counselling).

'Human Be-ing' © Jaimie Cahlil
'Friendly Wolf' (c) Jaimie Cahlil

Integrative-Transpersonal Psychotherapy

‘Integrative’ and ‘Transpersonal’– explained

'Dancing with Joy' © Jaimie Cahlil

Transpersonal psychotherapy, with its Integrative core, has the potential to engage each person in a grounded psychospiritual process. This process is designed to develop and engage conscious and intuitive awareness,  encouraging (what I call) ‘whole-being-awareness’ instead of self-imprisoning ‘stories’ and ‘thinky-thoughts’ – (as I call them) …together with creative dreaming or imagination, (the vital information conveyed through) our emotional feelings, our intuition and subtle sensing, our deepest sense of being… and beyond.

Working with Jaimie

As transpersonal psychotherapist and human being, I warmly welcome and accept you as you are.

'Tenderly Held' © Jaimie Cahlil

I warmly accept you as you are, how you are, and whatever you are carrying within you from the past into present time. As and when useful, we will explore whatever may be holding you back, while focusing on whatever you are experiencing in the present – in your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes – and in your sense of self in this moment.

This work is made more effective when nourished by the presence of whole-being-awareness (a combination of ‘mindfulness’, sensory and intuitive awareness, active dream-work, etc.)

Psychotherapy is designed to help nurture greater self-awareness and inner ease, while strengthening our inner self – for example, by practicing standing our ground and speaking our truth. So then, as you become increasingly present and relaxed within your own self, your ‘whole-being-awareness’ (Jaimie’s kind of mindfulness) will develop and deepen. And as you learn to access your own deep knowing, you will also develop the ability to be your own guide and therapist… in a sense.

Transpersonal Therapeutic Art

When I discovered a book called ‘Transpersonal Art’
I made the intention to help revive and develop this genre

'Many Aspects of One' (C) Jaimie Cahlil
Initially I trained at Oxford University’s Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford (1972-75). In my middle years, I began practicing meditation and mindful-playfulness and trained for 4 years in integrative counselling, fthen a further 4 years in transpersonal psychotherapy, which links in with meditation and mindfulness, felt-sense and intuition, and creative expression.

How I came to ‘transpersonal art’

Meditation and mindfulness practice shapes both my art and my therapy work. My paintings contain elemental qualities, cycles and layers; and archetypal imagery – including the mandala. I came to recognise the mandala (ancient visual aid to meditation) as the core archetype – or ‘essential pattern’. The mandala is composed of a dot within a circle, nucleus within cell, stone within fruit, sun within solar system. For me, the mandala symbolises creative potential and manifestation, or essence and expression. This also applies to we human beings, with our innermost core – and our self-expression.

When I discovered a book called ‘Transpersonal Art: The paintings of Monika von Moltke’. (1960s), I made the intention to help revive and develop this genre.

Paintings & Drawings © Jaimie Cahlil

Every painting and drawing reproduced here is the original work of Jaimie Cahlil who originally trained at Oxford University’s Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art (1972-1975).  For the title of any picture, place your cursor or finger on that image.

COPYRIGHT: while Jaimie is happy for anyone to copy his art for personal non-commercial use only, anyone wishing to reproduce his images commercially is required to first obtain Jaimie’s written permission.  (Enquiries: contact Jaimie)

Professional Notice

Jaimie Cahlil is bound by his professional body's ethical guidelines for good practice in counselling & psychotherapy:
UKCP Registered Psychotherapist (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) Registration Number: 09160709

Jaimie Cahlil's therapy room

Cheltenham Practice

Jaimie Cahlil offers transpersonal psychotherapy - and spiritual mentoring - at his private practice in Cheltenham, for those wishing to explore ordinary personal issues within the context of spiritual awareness. This subtle process is designed to nudge increasing conscious awareness... towards spiritual awakening.

Please note: for those too far away to attend in person, Jaimie offers sessions via phone/audio WhatsApp (only) - as this creates the opportunity to 'listen in' / 'sense in' deeply.

Jaimie’s practice is situated in a quiet, peaceful, attractive location… towards the north of Cheltenham’s town centre. The therapy room itself is light and comfortable, with a good view of his well-tended secluded garden.


There is easy off-road parking, and a cycle ring set into brick at the back.
For those with mobility difficulties: there is a short sloped paved approach to the front door, a toilet immediately inside, and the therapy room straight ahead on the ground floor.

Please note: Jaimie will email practical details - including exact address & directions – on booking your initial session.